At work on my Lunch table sketching everything in front of me.
Today I sketched an image during my lunch break. And I drew my lunch that I was eating and drinking with , which was a
2 litre mineral water, some yoghurt, and some fish and rice with vegetables. I am in the Cafeteria and the environment,
has a great energy of people around the Cafeteria, I’m sitting here today before I drew this image,
I was not sure what I was going to sketch today as I had a creative roadblock for a short time, and then it hit me, every lunch
everyday is different, so I thought why not sketch what I have bought with me today so this is what I did.
The reason I have sketched what I’ve sketched today is because, before I started this sketch, I thought of doing something
ambitious during my day, but then I thought I only had an hour for lunch, which was not much time,
so I thought to sketch something convenient without much deep thought and sometimes the answers to your questions are staring right back at you.
What I learned from sketching these items, is the lunch that I ate, and drink, boiled rice, with fish and vegetables, is the lunch I make sometimes,
and I always prepare my lunch every night before I leave for work for the following morning, and when it comes to sketching
these items on a lunch break, I use the same preparation in how I prepare my lunch then night before, to have a similar preparation of sketching these
lunch items, that I bought on lunch my break, in how I prepare the composition of
the items on my lunch table, and learning how to multitask between holding my android phone recording, and my sketches while I draw with the other hand,
is a skill that takes great discipline, and if you want to learn anything to be better, you have practice as much as possible and not be afraid to make mistakes.
How I tend to balance whatever time during my day to be spare
is I accept that I work a 9 to 5 job, so between these hours, when I commute to work on a bus, I have time on the bus to
create Which can take me an hour journey into my work place. Then when it comes to my lunch breaks which is around 1 hour
duration of a break, I can always do some sketching if I use my time wisely, and when I go home on the bus, however long the commute journey is which can be an hour
or more, I can also do another sketch on the bus or train, so potentially I can have
at least three hours spare, every day between my job, five days a week, but the one thing that can never be underestimated,
is the need to rest properly, and the need to create in a small realistic way, to take compact chunks,
to also live my life healthy and properly while being creative all at the same time, which is why sketching these items on this day,
because it was very much a simple process to sketch items that I already had, to get my artistic practice.
The materials I have used to sketch this lunchtime sketch are a Bic biro pen, and I have used, and Staedtler bold felt tip pen.
The reason I like to use these items is because to draw this sketch and most of my other sketches,
I always want to be as economical in my process as possible, to get my sketch from point A to point B without rubbing out the line, because of a mistake.
In my experience and opinion, when I used to use a pencil as an art student, I always was so tempted to rub out all the mistakes in my drawings with a rubber,
and I always felt my progress at times was stunted by trying to make the perfect drawing,
as perfect as possible. But when I sketch with a biro pen, I feel that if I make a mistake in my drawing,
I don’t have the option to rub out the biro pen, I have to accept it with an imperfect line,
or correct my line while still drawing on, and I learn from my creative mistakes,
and I feel this makes me a better artist overall, and doing this drawing today for proves this.
I feel working a 9 to 5 as an Artist is great for me, because when the pandemic happened there was a mass lockdown, in the UK,
and I was still working in the health sector as an essential worker, and between these times,
I was still going to work on a bus and train, seeing the environment change, and no day is different, so if you’re working a job, and you’re not
professional Artist, just use all the things you see from what you see around your home, to the place of work where you are,
or the environments you visit, because I feel as a human being we need to physically see each other as humans,
because I believe art breeds symbiotic relationships, between people you directly connect or indirectly connect with.
If I were a beginner today, if I wanted to begin art as a hobby, just like how I drew my lunchtime meal items on this day,
between my day job, whatever the preference of artistic materials, I would prefer to use as a beginner,
I would buy those materials, whether if its a biro pen, watercolors pencils or whatever the art
, then buy a sketchbook, say A6 size for example for me I feel drawing in a small size is great to have a rucksack bag
where your trying to save space during my day then having a smaller sketchbook might work better for you ,and then if you have a day job too,
I would do little say 10 mins sketches between my day, and just draw anything, to just practice and have fun. Because for me drawing is like going to the gym,
you build muscle on a repetition in the gym, well the same goes for drawing you build your art skills through repetition of how you use pen, to draw what you see,
and you can also learn from other artists online like Will Terry and Jake Parker who are professional Illustrators who have an art Academy,
and along with many other illustrators online you could choose from on YouTube from Google.
I love sketching this today because as I said before, I didn’t know how to approach sketching anything on this day, and when I decided to do this,
kind of sketch I set myself up for a whole mindset for a whole year going forward, because all I have to do , is a sketch
with great intentions and learning from others, yes but also know the days that I live, compared to someone else’s days ,
won’t be the same as mine, therefore my experiences are individual, so my art will atomically be individual too, and I think that’s the same for any other Artist whether they are professional or the hobby type of Artist.
10. Below is a YouTube video of this lunchtime sketch down in a video recording from my Android phone,
and I would appreciate any feedback or any questions you may have to ask me about anything .
11. Thank you very much for reading my article, please click the YouTube video, comment like a subscribe.
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Great works, love the sketching as, raw and uncut, ❤️👍🏾