
Abadu Creative Process Arts

Abadu Creative Process Arts


Episode 42 Sketching

Hotel Lobby Morning Chill


The image of a person sitting in a chair in a hotel lobby is a perfect example of a scene that can be captured through life drawing. The person in question could be a guest waiting for a friend, a business traveler checking their emails, or simply someone taking a break from their day. Whatever the reason, the person sitting in the chair provides an excellent opportunity for an artist to observe and document the human form in a relaxed and natural setting.

As an artist, observing and capturing the human form requires an eye for detail and the ability to pick up on nuances that may seem insignificant at first glance. Perhaps it’s the way the person is sitting – are they slouching, or is their back straight as an arrow? Maybe it’s the curves of their body, or the small, everyday gestures that they make while waiting. Whatever it is that catches your eye, life drawing allows you to capture these small but significant details that make the person in the chair unique.

To create a successful life drawing of a person sitting in a chair in a hotel lobby requires careful observation, skillful use of light and shadow, and an understanding of the body’s proportions. As the artist, you must start by creating a rough sketch, mapping out the basic lines and shapes of your subject before adding in more detail. Then, you can gradually begin to add shadows and shading, giving the drawing depth and dimension.

Overall, drawing a person sitting in a chair in a hotel lobby is a delightful way to practice your skills in life drawing. It provides an atmosphere that is both relaxed and dynamic, providing the artist with the challenge of capturing a subject in motion while having an opportunity to observe people in an everyday setting. With time and effort, you can make your life drawings of people in chairs at hotel lobbies beautiful, detailed, and highly realistic.

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