My wrist action

Episode 15 Sketching

PEDESTRIANS SKETCH 2023 I'm at Break at work near a window sketching different people walking past going about life.

Episode 16 Sketching

MY BAG AND I   I'm on my way home I see a passenger of me and this is my…

Episode 12 Sketching

LOUNGING I was at a Lounge I visit regularly where I saw a Lounger, on the Laptop and I decided…

Episode 14 Sketching

ISLAND A WAY I had a Magazine me within my bagpack and I sketched this from reference and this is…

Episode 13 Sketching


Episode 11 Sketching

HACKNEY CHARIOTT  I was around Hackney East London on a weekend walking around I saw this and I thought was…

Episode 10 Sketching

WEST CROYDON TRAIN PLATFORM SUPPORT  I was at the Train Platform just about to leave Croydon I was where I…

Episode 9 Sketching

Sketched from a Magazine I sketched this from a newspaper as an observation , original I had the process video…

Episode 8 Sketching

Flower plant Holborn FILTERED VERSION I was in a Lounge sketching this plant before my day started. ORIGINAL VERSION

Episode 6 Sketching

LUNCH TIME SKETCH OUTSIDE THE WINDOW CARS I was sitting at my break table wondering what to sketch and I…